Cincinnati Trip

July 24, 2023
Cincinnati Live Screen Printing Trip.
Hello again, new type of blog post this time around. I was in Cincinnati the last few days live screen printing at an event called Black Tech Week. We landed on Monday and left on Thursday. Let’s talk about the wonderful branding this event had. B.T.W. was held in the Cincinnati music hall built in 1878. This insane building meshed with this very modern branding exceptionally well. Nothing felt out of place or didn’t fit. I learned this reoccurring B letter is the merged child of the wordmark and the company that owns the fest ‘Lightship Capital’ also based in Cincinnati. Clever way to disguise your parent company at a focused event.

Secondly, I bought three records from a store called Shake It Records located on the north side of town. This place was great. I love a record store that’s been well existed in for some time. First thing I noticed was a half ripped Killer’s Hot Fuss promo sticker, good sign. Other winner were a Biz Markie signed cereal box and a signed Gorillaz set of vinyl figures. I noticed the used section included an awful lot of band’s I like’s album I don’t like. The second RAC record, the second Sigrid record, the three bad Mates Of State records, Teagan and Sara’s Crybaby, etc etc.

What I did get:

Raga -original soundtrack album by Ravi Shankar.

Going to the record store with my girlfriend is always interesting. I can look through plastic wrapped cardboard for a felony prison sentence and I do not expect other people to want to flip for more than twenty minutes. She went to the electronic section but it was all new imported LP’s and singles for $35 plus which is a turn off cause god damn these plastic discs never cost this much. Apparently this record is a documentary about the person who wrote the soundtrack. He plays the sitar, I should google search him she says, most people know who he is, she says. So I guess I have a documentary to watch. I’ll link it below if I can find it for free.

Doja Cat - Hot Pink on hot pink vinyl.

This album rips I don't care what anyone thinks. The guy ringing me up always gives me a side eye when I’m buying bubblegum bullshit but my reaction is always, ‘it’s in your store buddy, you bought it first’. My girlfriend said ‘oh good you got your Fortnite soundtrack’ which 1. Rude and. 2. I only taunt children with a song from this record cause it rules. Liner notes are boring, basically just ‘hey thanks’. This album is very pink. 'On brand', one might say.

Vinyl Moon 041 ‘Life Is Long

I really really struggle with being a completionist when collecting records, past and present, so I was reluctant to get a comp record when they’re currently on release #95. I almost fell for this subscription when it first debuted moons ago, heh. It’s a comp LP of new released music with a main focus on insanely high valued album art work. This record has an outer jacket that’s cut a few inches short with a die cut revealing the title underneath. I’m not sure what each of these costs from the source but it can’t be cheap. I’ve honestly never heard of a single band or artist on this album which is normally more bad than good but I got pulled in by the fact that it came with a old Kennedy half dollar size coin… showing my true inner boomer. I’ll play this when I’m stoned af and we’ll see what’s up.

Quick round up of other random bullshit:

Cincinnati Union Terminal. Look at this insane building I saw. Used to be the train station into town turned museum. A page out of Bladerunner.

Wikipedia page on Ganesha. Heard someone talking during the fest about the remover of obstacles and I had to educate myself.

I added the movie Thoroughbreds to my watch list. Big Anya Taylor Joy guy, not sorry.

Speaking of movies I watched Face/Off for the first time in the hotel room with my complimentary showtime subscription. Basically John travolta and Nicolas cage switch faces with plastic surgery and that got approved by a production company. I’m not sure how I’ve never seen this movie before but holy shit. I’m in the club now.

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